MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- The United States Air Force Civil Engineer Center, in coordination with the McConnell Air Force Base Defense Environmental Restoration Program and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, has begun the first Five-year Review for McConnell AFB Titan Sites, Titan II Missile Site SS012 (MS12). MS12 is located approximately 35 miles southwest of McConnell AFB in Sumner County, Kansas.
The purpose of the Five-Year Review process is to determine whether the remedy selected at the site is effectively protecting human health and the environment. The Five-Year Review will be prepared following the U.S. EPA guidelines under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) §121 and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 300), which calls for this review every five years to ensure protection of human and ecological communities in the area.
The Five-Year Review Report will be completed on or before January 2024, during which time input from the public will be considered. A subsequent public notice will announce the completion of the Five-Year Review Report which will be made available online at the Administrative Record for McConnell AFB, which is maintained at
For more information about the Five-Year Review or any environmental cleanup activities at MAFB, please contact John Van Winkle, McConnell AFB Public Affairs Officer at: