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  • Words from our New Wing Vice Commander

    Kanza Warriors…You are Ready, Accessible, Resilient Airmen. Continue to innovate and expect progression in all aspects of your career and life. Be open to finding diverse and unexpected solutions to challenges. Demand progression from your teammates both on and off the Air Force Reserve playing

  • KANZA Warrior Spotlight January 2020

    KANZA Warriors, check out this month's Wing KANZA WARRIOR SPOTLIGHT! For the month of January we are recognizing TSgt Noe Miranda, 931 AMDS.

  • Every March, I mustache myself a question

    The razor hovered just above my upper lip; the blade suspended millimeters from my skin.  The consequences of my next move would have lasting ramifications for at least the next thirty days.  Even at this moment of reckoning, I wasn't sure which path I would choose.The day had started like any other

  • 'Pay no attention to the Airman behind the camera'

    "Pay no attention to the Airman behind the camera," or, "just pretend I'm not here," have become my go-to lines whenever I am called to produce a story as an Air Force Public Affairs photojournalist.  In the more than seven years I have performed this duty, both for active duty and the Reserve, it

  • At turkey time, keep safety in mind: A message from the Chief of Safety

    I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and holiday season.  As you plan your travel and holiday celebrations, please remember your Risk Management training and apply sound RM principles to your activities, both on and off duty.Winter driving is upon us, and it's a great time

  • Managing holiday stress

    Thursday, Nov. 27, will mark the beginning of the holiday season.  For many, the holiday season is a joyous and festive time of year filled with gatherings, celebrations, gifts and food. However, it can be a time of sadness, isolation, ambivalence or anxiety.  For some, it may be a time of year with

  • Have a fun; safe Labor Day

    As the summer season begins to come to an end, many people see Labor Day as the last opportunity to hit the lakes or pools before the cooler temperatures set in. This is a weekend where many take vacation to visit the beach or local lakes to soak up the last of the summer sun and enjoy fun times

  • If the KC-135 had a horn

    While picking up my six-year-old daughter from school one evening, I was surrounded by the general chaos that ensues from the combination of elementary school children and a playground.  Suddenly, a dull roar began to fill the air and all movement ceased, eyes averted skyward, and happy screams

  • 931st ARG Commander: Veterans Day, Kansas historically linked

    When I address our Airmen and our community, I often relate the extraordinary support we receive from the people of Kansas. I implore our Airmen and employees to recognize that appreciation and to be good neighbors, not as a way of returning any favors, nor out of a sense of duty but because it is

  • The Military Aviation Salute

    There is a long and proud history between aircraft air crew and ground crew. This strong relationship predates fixed wing flight and military aviation as we know it today. Even on the very first powered flight, Orville and Wilbur Wright had to decide who would be first to fly their craft and who